Back open 8th January - Creative Buds! Watercolours with Pete! Talking Cafe! 9th - Art for Adults with Learning Differences! Poetry and Cake Open Mic! 10th & 11th - Art Workshop: Hung Drawn & Vaulted! 11th - Repair Cafe
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A free, fun and interactive historical trail around Shepton Mallet for all ages, friends and families. Starting at the ArtBank particpants will be given a map and sent to 8 different locations around the town (all within walking distance). At each location there will be a fun and interactive re-telling of a story from Shepton’s history and participants will try to win a token to take them to their next location.

All players will meet back at the Market Cross for the finale at 3:30 and the final clue. The brilliant band called the Hoodoos will play the close of ‘Sheptopoly’ until 4:30