6 Week Creative Wellbeing Course: Art Bank Online
About this Event
A 6-week course to introduce you to different ways to improve your wellbeing through creative exercises. We will help you unlock your inner creativity in a supportive and friendly environment. This course is aimed at people at the start of their creative journey who are looking to increase their feeling of well being. No experience required.
This is a free course but all donations to support the running of ‘Art Bank’ gratefully received. To express your interest in attending the course please email info@artbank.org.uk
Dates every Thursday starting : 28 January, 4, 11, 18, 25th February, 4th March
7.30 – 9
Week 1
28 January
Lucy Smith – Excercises and techniques from the Artist Way by Julia Cameron. We will be looking at how to write a daily morning diary documenting your thoughts. We will do a couple of excercises looking at different sources of creative blocks and ways to help unlock your creativity.
Week 2
4th February
Faye Greening- creative journaling with artist Faye Greening. You will learn how to set up an art journal and produce a framework for daily journalling.
Useful materials to have for the workshop: Plain notebook, range of coloured pens, magazines or old books you don’t mind cutting up, scissors, pritt stick glue, any craft materials.
Week 3
11th February
Lucy Alexander- Local artist Lucy Alexander will teach you a few painting and drawing techniques that will help you on your creative journey.
Week 4
18th February
James Barker- creative writing. James will lead you through a few simple, fun excercises to inspire you to write.
Week 5
25th February
Dimitris Koutroumpas- creative photography on a smart phone. Dimitris will introduce you to compostion and support you in unlocking your inner creativtiy.
Week 6
4th March
Review of course with Lucy Smith – we will be looking at our morning pages (the diaires you have been keeping over the last 5 weeks )and talking about the different creative techniques you have learnt.