Friday Folk: Tracy & Paul/ The Decades
Every 3rd Friday of the month it’s Folk Night at the Art Bank! Come and enjoy two folky acts each time. For the very first Friday Folk we introduce:
Tracy and Paul
This acoustic Duo will take you on a journey spanning Folk, Jazz, Country and Pop. Their set will spark your memories with classic songs, as well as introducing you to less well known but equally enjoyable material. Incorporating Tracy’s pure vocals and Paul’s sublime guitar, a great evening is in store!
The Decades
A group of lost souls who have nothing in common…apart from a love of music and alcohol. Ranging over many decades in age, attitude, and musical taste they play a truly eclectic feast of folk, Americana, ballads, blues, gospel and a sprinkling of pop.
Doors open at 7 with music from around 8. Free entry but magic hat donations encouraged.