Friday Folk Plus: Simon Cousins/ Ochre Trails
Every 3rd Friday of the month it’s Folk Night at the Art Bank! Come and enjoy two folky acts each time. This month we have the pleasure to introduce:
Simon Cousins
Simon Cousins is an English singer-songwriter and musician, who was a member of Liverpool indie country rock band The Onset, and Wiltshire folk rockers Ophiuchus. His lyrics are based around the poetic themes of Love, Laughter, Lullaby and Lament and his song explore traditional legends, myths, and magic.
Ochre Trails
Ochre Trails are a folk trio playing foot-stomping, homebrewed tunes, nimble instrumentals and traditional songs. Featuring squeezebox, banjo, whistle, guitar and voice. Cultivated in the West Mendips, Ochre Trails have warmed the cockles of audiences at Priddy Festival and Winscombe Folk Club.
Doors open at 7 with music from around 8. Free entry but magic hat donations encouraged.