Friday Folk Plus: Facing the Ocean/ Phil King
Every 3rd Friday of the month it’s Folk Night at the Art Bank! Come and enjoy folky acts each time. This month we have the pleasure to introduce:
Facing The Ocean
Facing the Ocean are Jane and Russ, who play guitar and mandolin. Their tunes are inspired by the landscapes and seascapes of the West. Each tune has a story, capturing memories of walking and exploring in out-of-the-ordinary places and all sorts of weather.
Listen on Bandcamp (www.facingtheocean.bandcamp.com) or find out more at www.facebook.com/mandolinandguitar .
Phil King
As a singer-songwriter, Phil King has the whole trinity: A beautiful soulful singing voice, deft skills at playing the guitar, and the capacity to write elegantly worded and powerful songs. His album The Wreckage received excellent media attention with Radio 2’s Bob Harris describing him as ‘Absolutely Brilliant’ and ‘A Song Weaver’.
Doors open at 7 with music from around 8. Free entry but magic hat donations encouraged.