Help Us Make a Wizard of Oz ‘Swede’ Film! Session 2
To ‘swede’ a film means to re-create a trailer, scene, or movie with untrained actors and low-budget props. Join us as we recreate as many moments, lines and scenes from The Wizard of Oz as we can in short, fast and fun sessions.
You can either book on the 10 am – 12 session or the 1 – 3 pm session. We will be bringing all the material from the different sessions together to make one glorious technicolour ‘swede’. It will be premiered during the Wizard of Woz season.
You can watch one we’ve made previously here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFan5jE4POY&t=9s
No previous experience needed. For ages 9 to 109. There are eight places available on each of the following sessions:
10am – 12pm. (see separate event entry to book for this session)
1pm – 3pm Inspired by the ‘Wizard of Woz’ (launching 25th June from 6pm at the Art Bank):