Makaton Choir
Be part of our Makaton choir that will perform at the Wizard of Woz exhibition launch on 25th June!
Teacher and Makaton fan Helen Heaton will lead this fun and informal first session at the Art Bank, where you will learn the Makaton signing and sing ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ plus another Wizard of Oz classic if there is time.
Makaton is a form of sign language which is used by people who find it hard to communicate. It is different to Sign Language as it requires the person signing to also try to say the word which therefore develops natural speech and helps cognitive development and sentence structure, essential communication skills, attention and listening, comprehension, memory, recall and expression. Makaton usually involves less sign than British Sign Language and is therefore more user friendly!
The leader for these fun workshops is Helen Heaton. Helen has been a teacher for over 10 years. She trained at RADA in London as a stage manager and has worked in many different school settings including primary, secondary and special educational needs. Helen says, ‘I am a firm believer that singing is good for the soul and lifts your mood and anybody can sing!’