RAGS Group Exhibition Launch
RAGS are a group of local people, some professional artists, but most simply people who had forgotten the importance in their lives of creating art. As a group we first met in the Art Bank in December 2022 to agree to support each other in our plan to create a piece of work to submit to The Royal Academy, London for their Summer Exhibition.
The RAGS exhibition opening on Friday May 26th at 7.00p.m. will feature the work that was submitted to The Royal Academy Summer Exhibition alongside two pieces of newly created collaborative art.
1. A large reproduction of a painting by Chagall where each of the group was given a section to copy in their own style. These fourteen pieces of work will be joined together to display on the back wall of the Art Bank exhibition area.
2. A painted mannequin created by some of the group; part of the Art Bank Community Spirit project. She’ll be waiting to meet you!
2. A painted mannequin created by some of the group; part of the Art Bank Community Spirit project. She’ll be waiting to meet you!
Other individual pieces of work will also be displayed and offered for sale. DJ Simon Ruston will play his celebratory world music on the night.
Sunday May 28th 4 – 6 pm Community Art Project in the Art Bank
Come along and have a go at creating a community piece of art alongside some of the RAGS artists. We’ll have just a very long roll of paper, paints and brushes (please bring your own if you have them) and we will enjoy creating something together whilst listening to the music of Hannah Moule from the Moulettes. Bring the whole family to have some Sunday afternoon fun.
Drinks and cakes will be available to buy to get your creative juices running.
Come along and have a go at creating a community piece of art alongside some of the RAGS artists. We’ll have just a very long roll of paper, paints and brushes (please bring your own if you have them) and we will enjoy creating something together whilst listening to the music of Hannah Moule from the Moulettes. Bring the whole family to have some Sunday afternoon fun.
Drinks and cakes will be available to buy to get your creative juices running.
Thursday June 15th 6.30 – 8pm Art Auction
Some of the RAGS artists’ work will be auctioned for sale. This will include paintings and body parts on display throughout the exhibition plus other work that will be available for viewing from 6 at the Art Bank. 20% of the sale price will go to the Art Bank to support the work they do for our community. Come along, buy a drink, buy a painting and even stay for the monthly Sea Shanties Session (starts at 8pm).
Some of the RAGS artists’ work will be auctioned for sale. This will include paintings and body parts on display throughout the exhibition plus other work that will be available for viewing from 6 at the Art Bank. 20% of the sale price will go to the Art Bank to support the work they do for our community. Come along, buy a drink, buy a painting and even stay for the monthly Sea Shanties Session (starts at 8pm).
The Lovely RAGS people!
Phoebe Brittain
Richard Cook
Liz Jordan
Dimi Koutroumpas
Jan Ladhams
Gwen Liby
Sue Liby
Kristen Lindop
Lottie Mason
Trisha Mason
Alan Martar
Mandy McKenna
Hannah Moule
Belinda Ollis
Phil Smith
Glenny Thomas
Phoebe Brittain
Richard Cook
Liz Jordan
Dimi Koutroumpas
Jan Ladhams
Gwen Liby
Sue Liby
Kristen Lindop
Lottie Mason
Trisha Mason
Alan Martar
Mandy McKenna
Hannah Moule
Belinda Ollis
Phil Smith
Glenny Thomas
Cover image: artwork by Hannah from the Moulettes, from the Moulettes’ ‘Xenolalia VII: It’s a Secret.’